Archive for 2012-01-22

Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples

Just if you didn’t know, Facebook Timeline is the latest feature that was introduced in the recent Facebook Conference, F8. It’s generally a complete overhaul of the profile page with the new ability to view your status updates in a list sorted by time, hence the name.
facebook timeline cover Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
With this new feature comes a new way of introducing yourself though graphic other than profile photo, and we call it Timeline Cover. And yes, what you can expect is thousands of facebookers try to be creative with their new timeline cover, spawning the hype all over the web.
In this showcase we’re gonna show you 40 awesome and creative timeline covers which either inspire you, amaze you or just make you burst out into laughter.
Also, at the end of the article, we are going to throw in a Facebook time PSD template to guide you creating one accurately. Have fun with them and enjoy being creative with yours!
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Kay Int Veen. Nice use of Polaroid-style photo to introduce the profile owner! The new Facebook Timeline is actually a virtual board for you to show off your creativity, so toy around with it and show to others how creative you are!
kay int veen Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Aly Moffatt. Creative photo with creative usage. You won’t know what’s happening by just looking at her photo in status page, but you will get shocked once you see her profile/timeline page!
aly moffatt Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Andrew Grojean. Yes, this is a timeline cover, see carefully. What a neat and amusing trick!
andrew grojean Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Nirajan Bom Malla. One of the timeline cover’s tricks that went viral is to use the screenshot of other social media site as the cover. Google+ in Facebook, will this be possible in future?
nirajan bom malla Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Antonio Fadda. Brilliant combination of the profile photo and the timeline cover, and yes, it’s creative.
antonio fadda Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Delphin Hauchard. Nicely adjusted profile photo and the timeline cover, what a great way to show the best moment of life.
delphin hauchard Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Dustin Thaxton. Willing to show not just the single best moment of life? With timeline cover and some Photoshop works you can get more great moments of life glued onto the cover!
dustin thaxton Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Eduardo Calvo. I just like this one. It’s creative, amusing and warmful at the same time.
eduardo calvo Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Emanuele Bartolomucci. Very sleek way of introducing the timeline feature and the profile owner.
emanuele bartolomucci Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Enk Shahbaz Mehdi. People might start selling the timeline cover’s space as ads, will it be possible?
enk shahbaz mehdi Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Oliver Alexander. And the Internet does not disappoint you, Enk Shahbaz Mehdi, but I think this was intended to be a good joke. Anyway, poke if interested!
oliver alexander Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Eyal Shahar. Fake 3D is one of the best tricks to show off your design skills, inspiring work!
eyal shahar Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Fabio Maravilla. Such a neat and detailed trick! Look at the smallest piece in the profile photo, cute!
fabio maravilla Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Florim I. Qerimi. I thought it was some sort of hypnotism at the first time I’m looking it.
florim i qerimi Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Gianmarco Carrieri. What a simple and sweet integration of profile photo and timeline cover.
gianmarco carrieri Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Giuseppe Draicchio. You will never know he is doing the contact with the extraterrestrial creature by just looking at his profile photo!
giuseppe draicchio Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Manoj Varghese Mathew. Feeling less creative? Just draw what you can think of, and it will become a creative cover!
manoj varghese mathew Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Menteş Nihat Baran. I’m always curious about the difference between touching the alien’s finger and touching the God’s finger.
mentes nihat baran Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Helbert Campos. Nice blending between the real life photo and cartoonic graphic, you can even see the page owner’s shadow rendered in the profile photo!
helbert campos Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Jeremy Bronson. It’s a big head! But wait, whose head is it? Nice one indeed.
jeremy bronson Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Jerome Vadon. A beautiful way to introduce yourself with a sleek background and some sexy fonts.
jerome vadon Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Jessica Barnard. Vintage means viral, don’t you know it?
jessica barnard Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Johnny Gigantic. Probably a masterpiece, except that you won’t get much meaning by just looking at his profile photo.
johnny gigantic Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Jörgen Bröms. With such a serious looking profile photo, you won’t expect his timeline cover to be so amusing.
jorgen broms Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Robert Falkén. A simple message cloud will tell that you are creative.
robert falken Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Lanfranco Nantele. Another nice attempt with message cloud, but in a more artistic way.
lanfranco nantele Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Leo Lee. What will happen if I touch on the profile photo?
leo lee Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Louise Lundberg. The reaction of the photo is just awesome.
louise lundberg Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Maarten Walraven. You wouldn’t know a shark is approaching him if you didn’t see his timeline cover!
maarten walraven Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Nagaraj Vijayarangan. And this guy is not as lucky as the one showcased above.
nagaraj vijayarangan Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Maurizio Mazzanti. He’s trying to understand what’s happening with his new timeline cover.
maurizio mazzanti Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Mohammad L. Azzam. Stay hungry, stay foolish, stay creative.
mohammad l azzam Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Murat Çizer. I like this one, to be honest.
murat cizer Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Niels Langeveld. Perfect integration between the timeline cover and profile photo, it’s royal!
niels langeveld Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Oliver Elsner. If you want to show your creativity while remaining the professional look, go for this style.
oliver elsner Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Ori Hasson. You know, classic game never stop to impress people.
ori hasson Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Richard Kårström. If my eyes are still functioning well, I can see a guy coming from it.
richard karstrom Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Rudolfo Nobre. There’s certainly some physic between the timeline cover and the profile photo.
rudolfo nobre Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Scott Lamb. It feels good for sure.
scott lamb Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples
Tom Lambie. I’m sure I am a geek as I understand this joke.
tom lambie Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples

Bonus: Do It Yourself!

So you have enjoyed the entire showcase, and would like to get really creative on your timeline cover? You can actually do it now! For certain reasons Facebook haven’t release the feature officially yet, but you can activate the feature by walking though some very easy steps.
We want you to focus just on the cover’s design, so we’ve created a Photoshop template exclusively for you to do the instant design and preview. Download it to make your editing process absolutely easier!
facebook timeline cover template Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples

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WAZZUB - Fenomena terbaru jejaring sosial | Mereka yg membayar kita

1. Apa itu Wazzub?

Wazzub dengan slogannya "The Power of We" merupakan sebuah "profit sharing phenomenom" alias fenomena sharing keuntungan, dan katanya program ini benar benar gratis dan membayar membernya hanya dengan join di Wazzub..sungguh luar biasa. saya sendiri gak tahu kok bisa-bisanya mereka membayar kita secara cuma-cuma. Namun tidak ada salahnya mencoba gan. Bener gak tuh?
2. Bagaimana Wazzub membayar kita?

Saat ini Wazzub belum launching website utamanya, dimana pada 9 April 2012 nanti mereka akan launching website yang menampilan iklan dan layanan khusus mereka, dimana mereka mengatakan akan sama layanannya dengan facebook, google, AOL dan Yahoo. Nah perbedaannya kalau situs seperti facebook, keuntungannya hanya untuk mereka sendiri (pihak perusahaan) sementara Wazzub akan membagikan keuntungannya dengan para membernya
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Bukti Wazzub Terpercaya ( Semua tentang Perkembangan Wuzzub di Update disini ) :
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Perlu Diingat! :
1) 1 Januari 2012 Pre Launch - Mulai Membangun Kekaisaran anda Sekarang, sampai 31 Maret 2012. Jangan Ketinggalan!!
2) 31 Maret 2012 - Jika anda belum bergabung, maka anda sekalian mungkin akan menyesali ini untuk sisa hidup anda
3) 1 April 2012 Beta - Peluncuran Wazzub
4) 1 Juli 2012 Lengkap - Peluncuran Wazzub
5) Pembayaran Pertama 15 Mei 2012 untuk bulan April!

saya tidak yakin Wazzub membayar, paling juga Wazzub SCAM
Ya, pertanyaan yang sama juga saya lontarkan seperti itu. Takutnya Wazzub SCAM! namun karena saya lihat di dunia maya sedang membicarakan website ini, akhirnya saya tepis pemikiran itu dengan alasan tidak ada salahnya mencoba, toh ini gratis dan tidak ada yang dirugikan. Betul kan gan ?

Nah jika ingin mencoba peruntungan bersama Wazzub ini, silahkan bergabung dimarih : WAZZUB

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WAZZUB terdengar terlalu bagus.
Apakah WAZZUB sebuah bisnis yang nyata atau Wazzub scam?

WAZZUB adalah bisnis yang nyata dan modern dengan banyak inovasi dan bukan bisnis tradisional. Internet akan mengubah dunia dan ada cukup ruang untuk model bisnis yang inovatif yang belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. WAZZUB adalah model bisnis ini. Untuk pertama kalinya sebuah komunitas online global berbagi keuntungan dengan penggunanya.
Itulah mengapa kita menyebutnya Fenomena Berbagi Keuntungan Pertama di Dunia.

Sebenarnya, WAZZUB terlalu bagus untuk dilewatkan.

Di mana kantornya?

Headquarters/kantor pusat WAZZUB terletak di 7251 Lake Mead Blvd, Suite 364, Las Vegas, NV 89128,USA

WAZZUB adalah proyek internasional yang telah diciptakan oleh beberapa pengusaha dan investor. Pada bulan September 2011 investor dan pengusaha mendirikan GIT Investasi Global, Inc (GIT) untuk tujuan menjalankan bisnis WAZZUB dan service terkait.
GIT terdaftar berdasarkan hukum Legal di Oregon, USA. Kantor GIT terdaftar di 391 NW 179 Ave, Beaverton, OR 97006
Pendaftaran No 802159-90. Sebuah tim lebih dari 20 spesialis yang bekerja keras untuk mengubah WAZZUB menjadi sukses besar; kebanyakan dari mereka berada di belakang layar dan beberapa dari mereka yang terlihat untuk semua anggota – misalnya, Master Distributor dan Staf Support.

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